René Crevel by Ezra Pound · A nation which does not feed…
Pound’s dithyrhambic essay in praise of Crevel, A nation which does not feed its best writers is a mere barbarian dung-heap, was originally published in 1929, in the literary review Criterion (T.S. Eliot). The highly colourful lionising of René Crevel (by far the most politically engaged left-wing author of all the French Surrealists) cites Crevel as – the ‘finest writer of his generation’. Extracts of lines of text from Crevel’s first novel Babylone figure as Dadaistic-style expressive typography marginalia printed in red throughout the book. A highly elaborate book concept, overprintings abound. 2 colour woodcuts by Caine.
Lauréat Prix de Typographie Guy Levis Mano 1993.